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Marriage restrictions: Will another area soon be Concord?

by Jeremy Hooper

Is New Hampshire going to be the next state to throw out the civil union test tubes and replace them with that joyous creation known as marriage equality? On Wednesday, we'll get one step closer to finding out:

CONCORD, N.H.—The Senate will hold a hearing Wednesday on whether to make New Hampshire the fourth state to allow gay couples to marry.
NH Senate hearing Wednesday on gay marriage [AP via Boston Globe]
(*Note: We assume the AP says "fourth state" because Iowa marriages haven't actually begun yet. But for all intents and purposes, NH would become the fifth, not fourth)

You might remember that the NH House passed a marriage bill last month. So here's hoping that that fact, coupled with recent sensible developments, will convince the NH Senate to lap up neighboring Vermont's prudent energy. After all, from the looks of things, the two states have for years been sucking off each other's....


...well, never mind.

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Your thoughts

haha, how do you come up with this stuff. you could be a standup gay blogger comic.

Posted by: queerunity | Apr 13, 2009 10:06:22 AM

I'm curious, Jeremy: With the number of states passing marriage equality (yes, still small but clearly growing) is it possible these states could sue the Federal gov't to recognize their marriages? Or do will it depend on a number of individual couples? Not even sure if a state is allowed to do that, but it does seem like that would give a lot of weight to the case.

Posted by: Mike | Apr 13, 2009 12:24:52 PM

Even if it does pass the senate, there's still the issue of the governor.

Posted by: RainbowPhoenix | Apr 13, 2009 2:07:54 PM

Any Guy or Lesbian that gets married, should be force by the church to put their wedding band on the other hand and NOT the Left Hand in every State of the Union

Posted by: | May 8, 2009 8:53:05 PM

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