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Miles and Miles of low road

by Jeremy Hooper

200811011854.Jpg-1We've made note of Pastor Miles McPherson's inflammatory rhetoric on a couple of occasions. On his now-defunct blog (which was abruptly pulled and scrubbed around the time Miles became nationally known for his Prop 8 actions), the evangeli-xalted Rock Church leader wrote all kinds of nasty things about us, including this little nugget about which otherworldly leader is responsible for marriage equality:

"Satan wants to destroy God's image. The evil one is having a field day right now, and I believe things are going to get worse before they get better"

And then there's audio like this, from last fall's "The Call" event, in which he likened marriage equality advocates to cockroaches:

All pretty disturbing stuff, the likes of which have placed Miles, in our eyes, in a category of opposition that is willing to say just about anything in order to convince the populace that LGBT people are evil, pesky beings

But now our pal Alvin McEwen has discovered even more bullshittery from Miss California's pastor. Head over to Alvin's site (link at bottom of post) for insight into this, something Miles wrote back in 2004:

Picture 22-35
Alvin's take: Why does Miss California’s church believe that homosexuality and pedophilia are linked? [HB&HM]

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Your thoughts

"Our God will intentionally make you suicidal. Wouldn't you just loooove to worship him?"

Posted by: ZJ | Apr 28, 2009 9:09:35 AM


Ok... No. Just... Just no.
NAMbLA =/= gay.

There are psychological reasons for WHY this tends to happen in STRAIGHT pedophiles. One of those reasons is that the rejection of a parent of the same sex of the child warped the child's mind so much, that the now-adult will try to 'love' other children, to try and fill their own psychological needs.
Just because the pedophile preys on children of the same sex, does NOT make them gay. This also works in the opposite way, as a gay pedophile might prey upon children of the opposite sex if they were damaged psychologically that way.
These people are sick, and need therapy among other things to overcome themselves.

This has been your Psych. 101 for the day.
~Prof. Clicky M. Mic (NOT certified MD, but definitely more qualified then these people)

Posted by: Clicky the Fox | Apr 28, 2009 3:48:54 PM

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