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Nation For Marriage? Try YouTube Nation against NOM!

by Jeremy Hooper

It's not only NOM's "Gathering Storm" ad that is poorly rated/ negatively commented upon. Check out the totality of their YouTube channel, where they average a measly 1.17 star rating:

(click for full size)
Picture 7-167

At some point, you think they'd get the hint.

National Organization For Marriage [YT]

*And it should be mentioned that they have disabled ratings on some of their older videos. So, if the rest of the videos are any guide, then a few of those 1.5 and 2 stars would surely be lowered if it were up to the unrestrained opinions of the YT community.

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Your thoughts

They're shoveling shit against the tide. Even when ProJo puts up a gay marriage poll the percentage supporting goes UP not down.

Posted by: Tony P | Apr 10, 2009 2:52:01 PM

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