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Photos: We'd have liked these kitschy photos if not for what developed
We can't help but note the irony of this, a Miss USA promo shot in which Carrie Prejean (third from right) poses in front of that bastion of marital sanctity...
...a Vegas Wedding Chapel sign.
Oh, and that sign directly behind her? Yea, it proudly recognizes the other commodity that her celebrity-making city embraces:
But hey, we can't really blame Carrie, since she seems to have been told by self-professedly authoritative elders how and where she should stand.
Oh, and we shouldn't blame her for the photos either.
USA09_0943 [Flickr]
*SEE ALSO: This pic of Carrie with trans star Amanda Leopre is also making the rounds today: Carrie Prejean Opposes Gay Marriage But Parties with Transsexuals [Towle]
Your thoughts
Can we just find a picture with her and the boy sharing a bong and be done with her?
Posted by: SammySeattle | Apr 28, 2009 4:30:33 PM
Oh, but when some drunken guy gets married to a showgirl he just met it's still a sacred "one man, one woman" marriage. So sayeth the Bible, if you dig deep enough and squint.
Posted by: Buffy | Apr 28, 2009 7:18:40 PM
I was so bummed today; I wanted to go see her "speak" (AKA recite what Maggie Gallagher has been blithering in her ear) at Liberty University today. But I'll probably call in to Liberty Live and talk to her and Matt Barber...good times!
Posted by: Harrison | Apr 29, 2009 9:23:26 AM
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