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Rick: Genuinely sick or characteristically slick?

by Jeremy Hooper

What does one do to cap off a week in which they go on a national TV show and blatantly misrepresent their anti-gay positions, then manage to unite gays and anti-gays, both of whom are shocked that such a prominent religious figure Warren-kingwould so transparently talk out of both sides of the mouth? Well if they're Rick Warren, they abruptly blow off their ABC "This Week" appearance along with claims that they are sick, then immediately follow up that truancy with a carefully crafted PR statement that aims to explain away both the absence and the gay/anti-gay controversy:

Pastor Rick Warren abruptly canceled an appearance on ABC’s “This Week” in which he would have had the opportunity to clarify his denial last week that he had ever endorsed California’s anti-gay-marriage ballot measure, when in fact he had done so on videotape.

A Warren aide e-mails the best-selling evangelical pastor’s view on both issues:
[see link for full email]
Rick Warren explains cancellation [Politico]

Gee, Rick: You sure have to clarify lots of things these days. Ya know, if you'd just go ahead and live with consistency, you could actually proceed through your purpose-driven life without having to follow up every prior public performance with an "Oh, this is what I really meant" postmortem!

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Your thoughts

One good thing about Rick Warren: dislike for him is one thing my very conservative mother and I can agree upon.

Posted by: Bonnie_Half-Elven | Apr 13, 2009 12:59:00 PM

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