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Subject: Please stop implying that we're assassins
Dear Social Conservatives,
We know your goal is to make the LGBT community seem like unsavory militants whose lives run counter to all that is good, right, and holy in this world. But can you all do us a solid and pleeeeeeeeease stop implying that we want to murder heterosexual couples/families? Pretty please?
Many of us saw that West Virginia video in which a family of four is placed behind a sniper's crosshairs in order to make a fear-mongery point. But now the Family Research Council is running with that same concept, using this graphic to highlight the illustrate the recent victories in Iowa and Vermont:
Everybody sing:
♫"Here comes the bride,
She better hide
Because gay marriage uses John Hinckley as a guide
There is the groom
He'll face his doom
If there's to be a queer wedding boom"♫
Look, we really don't want to assassinate heteros. Honestly. Hell, the writer who's speaking to you now is a staunchly anti-gun vegetarian who doesn't even want to kill a gnat, much less hetero human beings. Yet I'm constantly confronted with supposedly "pro-family" people who want to put me in a Dallas, TX, book depository simply because I am pledging a vow of monogamous commitment to another man. It's not only an offensive tactic -- it's borderline sociopathic!
We gay folk don't expect social conservs all to come around to our way of thinking, and that's fine. But surely we can have public dialogue without this whole gunplay meme. It may seem like all fund and games to those of you who are desperate to stop queer "i dos" at any cost. But political fun and games end not when someone loses an eye, but rather when one side overplays their hand and destroys all credibility. It doesn't take a rocket scientist (or NRA member) to see that invoking assassination attempts is a surefire reputation killer!
Jeremy Hooper
Good As You
**FRC Photo source: Marriage in the Crosshairs [FRC]
Your thoughts
"fund and games". Hee hee, so true.
Posted by: Sykler | Apr 8, 2009 10:40:10 AM
LOL @ the married couple in the sights of a sniper gun!
Why would anyone want to kill them, when their misery has just begun on that blessed day? That's more wasteful than peeling an unripened banana.
Posted by: Scott | Apr 8, 2009 3:23:35 PM
...and also really a bad move for Gay people to kill opposite sex couples - they literally the major source of LBGT people.
Posted by: corvidae | Apr 8, 2009 5:55:21 PM
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