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'...than to have not voted at all': Ally Paterson focuses on feet-dragging Senate

by Jeremy Hooper

D-PAtersonNew York's Gov. David Patterson, perhaps emboldened (embarrassed?) by Vermont and Iowa's ability to enact marriage equality in their supposedly less progressive states, is urging his state senate to vote on the matter even if the votes don't seem in place to pass it. This from the NY Daily News:

We'll put a bill out and let the people decide one way or the other, which is actually the reform Albany really needs," Paterson said, referring to the gay marriage bill.

Paterson, a few moments later, said allowing more votes would open up government and give people a bigger role in the process.

"Why can't people just defeat the bill, vote on it?" Paterson said. "If you have the votes later on to pass it, bring it back."

Gov. Paterson urges gay nuptials Senate vote [NY Daily News]

Hmm. We think we agree to this strategy. We've seen with Prop 8 how a blue state's failure to do what's right can galvanize a community, so another failed NY senate vote might not be the worst thing in the world. Plus there's always the chance that some of the "No" voting Senators might become "Yes'ums" once they hear how easily the word rolls off their more fair-minded colleagues' tongues. So yea -- we say get off your booties and vote, Empire Stenate!

Simply talking about laws is kind of like dancing about architecture. At some point you have to step up and build the damn bridge.

**SEE ALSO: The poll associated with this Daily News story certainly indicates public support. Here are the results, as of 10AM:

Picture 2-228

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Your thoughts

Thanks voted 11AM West Coast...e.g. 2PM there still 63, 8, 27 1.

Posted by: LOrionL | Apr 9, 2009 2:01:28 PM

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