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The Pageant Driven Life
Wow, the social conservatives are totally crushing hard on Miss California. In fact, in the eyes of the American Family Association's Tim Wildmon, Carrie Prejean has surpassed Rick Warren on the hierarchy of anti-gay heroes:
What I was most impressed with was Miss California's courage, as she knew her answer could very well cost her the opportunity to fulfill her dream to be Miss USA. But she went ahead and expressed her convictions. (I do wonder if she was secretly hoping to get the "Do you care about starving children in Africa?" question.)
Contrast this with Pastor Rick Warren's appearance on CNN's Larry King Live a few weeks back. When King asked him about Proposition 8, the California constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage (which passed 52%-48%), Warren cowered.
What we have here is a fence straddler. This is a pathetic attempt to have it both ways. It can't be done.
Hi...my name is Rick, and I'm a fence-straddler [ONN]
Plus Carrie looks so much better in a bikini and high heels! Rick's two-piece always rides up, and he usually opts for this really bad floral Payless pump. His look just never quite comes together the same way Prejean's does.
And don't EVEN get me started on the evening gown!
It's unclear if Pastor Warren will respond to either the ever-more resounding criticism against him or the resounding "pro-family" praise for his fellow non-accepting Californian. Although right now he seems a little too focused on entering the Miss Both-The-Pro-And-Anti-Gay-Boats Pageant to respond to either.
**UPDATE: We have just learned that Carrie Prejean will tomorrow appear LIVE on Matt Barber and Mat Staver's radio show! It seems she really is going for full-out Anita B. status!