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The rising tide of anti-pink facetious-ism

by Jeremy Hooper

Micahel-SavageMichael Savage has us all figured out:

There is a rising tide of pink fascism in this country, and it comes as a result of the election of Barack Hussein Obama. Obama has signaled that during his reign it will be acceptable to impose gay marriage on the people of the United States. He's being very cleverly used as a tool of the gay puppet masters. He is personally masculine, has a beautiful family and was used by the gay mafia to convince real American families that they should support him.
The rising tide of pink fascism [WND]

Yes, because we lisping, mincing gays can't win on our own. We have to find a "perfectly masculine" battering ram behind whom we can sneak in our equality. Never mind that we are winning on same-sex nups DESPITE Pres. Obama's failure to come out for full marriage equality. Never mind that support for Obama and support for marriage equality did not necessarily go hand in hand (a point that the right has using against us to defend Prop 8). Never mind that the legislative and judicial means through which we have been winning could not be any more opposite of fascism. Never mind that the homo-hostile, heterosexist idea that all gay men are un-masculine is the sort of stereotype that we are nipping in the bud every day. Facts be damned. Iowa, Vermont, DC, and every other pro-equality advancement is due to our "perfectly masculine" president and his beautiful family, and not the righteousness of the LGBT community's reasoned, principled claims.

:: writer rolls eyes so dramatically, he's certain Michael Savage will say I'm sneaking in my right to sarcastic ocular gestures on the back of my president's perfectly "normal" set of peepers::

Now if you'll excuse me, I wish to kiss my partner fiancé good morning. Which means I must first call Malia and Sasha and ask them to create a diversion behind which my gayness can slip in.

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Your thoughts

Really, Michael? If we were that good at organising a secretive government coup, wouldn't you expect us to be doing more to our individual lives, like living in diamond encrusted palaces?

The truth is we wield no more power than any special rights group at obamas table, we just had no ear to listen at all before.

The whole idea is quite ridiculous.

Your Supreme Gay-Mafia Godfather-Overlord,

Posted by: corvidae | Apr 10, 2009 6:40:01 PM

. . . We have a mafia?

. . .Why wasn't I informed?! It didn't come part of the handbook! Which, incidentally, I never got...

Posted by: Clicky the Fox | Apr 10, 2009 9:31:05 PM

I am more of a man than any heterosexual I have ever met.

Posted by: Attmay | Apr 12, 2009 3:27:15 PM

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