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'True tolerance', except for both the true and tolerant part

by Jeremy Hooper

Focus on the Family has launched a new website wherein they seek to embolden the idea that "true tolerance" accommodates brute intolerance of LGBT people. Partnering with rabid anti-gay outfits like the Alliance Defense Fund and the "ex-gay"-advocating Exodus International, the FOF site primarily hopes to rile up parents so that they will resist "the pro-gay agenda in [their] child’s public school":

In addition to being legally inaccurate, pro-gay advocacy groups’ one-sided messages also are irresponsible, and even dangerous, from a psychological perspective.

We know from social science research, that children are still developing both physically and emotionally during the middle and high school years. So a significant percentage of kids experience sexual confusion during this crucial time period.

Clearly, schools shouldn’t be opening their doors to messages that push vulnerable children into prematurely embracing a sexual identity based on the demands of special interest groups.

"True Tolerance" [Another misguided FOF project]

Riiight. True tolerance is teaching kids that gays can and should change, that an unscientific and medically discredited "ex-gay" movement should be accepted as factual, and that personal religious freedoms should be used to limit others' CIVIL rights. Misinformation is, after all, the fundamental of any good educational environment. Right?

**SEE ALSO: Our crack graphics team has taken on the site's imagery:

Picture 8-132

space gay-comment gay-G-A-Y-post gay-email gay-writer-jeremy-hooper

Your thoughts

Nicely done, JH. ...

Posted by: LOrionL | Apr 14, 2009 11:29:10 AM

I went to both FOTF site and checked out their "facts" and then went to the Ally Week site and checked out what they originally posted. Clearly this "christian" site is Bearing false witness against Ally week's site. A good clear example is, FOTF Truetolerence site claims that as an example of inappropriate material given to students is a survey and at the end of the survey they are to stand if they think that Being a LGBT is healthy and normal according to the survey. This they claim is a tactic to use peer pressure to surpress "conservative values students". However, what Truetolerance fails to mention is and what the procedures for the survey clearly state, is that the survey is taken nonymously and then it is collected and redistributed randomly so that no one knows whose survey belongs to whom. There is no peer pressure applied to anyone.
What a fine example of Christian Values!

Posted by: Greg C | Apr 14, 2009 12:24:44 PM

"Clearly, schools shouldn’t be opening their doors to messages that push vulnerable children into prematurely embracing a sexual identity based on the demands of special interest groups."

Exactly right. No vulnerable child should be pushed into embracing a straight identity at such a tender age. : )

Also, there's an interesting parallel between this site with its "tolerance" angle and the NOM video's "rainbow coalition": they're trying to look better by looking more like...us. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery? Maybe not this time.

Posted by: Dana | Apr 14, 2009 3:10:55 PM

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