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Ungoverned attacks: Organized anti-gays vs. democracy
The Family Research Council, in their indomitable drive to stop LGBT rights at any cost, is now up to discrediting and undermining a whopping two of American government's three fundamental branches:
Once respected for measured leadership that helped steady the pulse of the free world, appointed judges and elected legislators continue to refashion "freedom" into a dangerous caricature threatening the safety of women and children across America. The latest from the Left has been a twin issue: their aggressive insistence on normalizing same-sex "marriage" and, now, the infamous "Bathroom Bill." Bathroom Bills, which allow men who dress as women access to women's bathrooms, do so at the expense of everyone else....
Bathroom Bills: Havens for Child Predators! [FRC]
And of course they also chastise our president for just about any phonetic combo that comes from his mouth, and are against any governor who fails to stand lock-step with their "pro-family" agenda. So it's not like they're doing cartwheels about the executive branch either.
What they are essentially suggesting is torch-wielding mob rule. They're more palatable in their presentations, saying they want a majority of "the people" to directly decide any and every rights matter. But as fair-minded interpretations of the constitution become ever more de rigeur, it's certainly majority tyranny that they're suggesting as the one and only solution for America's "queer problem."
And yet it's freedom that they say is becoming the "dangerous caricature"? Interesting. Somehow when we think of this country's potential harms, it's the grossly exaggerated denunciations of this nation's governing body that we see as fitting the bill, not basic support of liberty and justice for all.
Your thoughts
Do the people who fear sexual predaters donning drag to sneak into ladies rooms not realize that it's possible for ANYONE to enter a ladies' room? That donning drag isn't really necessary? Or do they think the sign on the door is some magic barrier that can identify gender and keep men out?
Posted by: Bill S | Apr 10, 2009 9:21:34 AM
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