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Video: It's a Sen. to support the Iowa ruling
We've already posted an amateur anti-gay reaction to the Iowa ruling. Now let's check out a professional, pro-gay one:
Openly Gay Iowa State Senator Matt McCoy: 'Iowa Will Not Go Back' [Towle]
Your thoughts
It's very comforting to hear him explain why he doesn't think the state will go the way of the anti-equality marriage amendment referendum. I want to believe it.
Populist opposition to marriage equality has been waning, but not yet enough to make these referendums dead in the water.
Today I'll just focus on being happy about the ruling :-)
Posted by: zortnac | Apr 3, 2009 3:06:21 PM
Darn, they can't waste more money there, well they could but probably won't.
So effective April 24... But I don't see you changing your plans again, JH.
I hope someone is already flooding Illinois, etc with ads. Come to IOWA to get married.
Posted by: LOrion | Apr 3, 2009 5:19:55 PM
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