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by Jeremy Hooper

Those who rain on our wedding days now say that we are the dark clouds:

A "rainbow coalition" is going to save this nation from the equal rights storm? Oh, give me a frickin' umbrella, barf bag break! The truth is that this coalition wishes to tear down the rainbow flag while hiding under the false umbrella of "morality."

The beauty party? The recent gay rights victories do not signal the fall of rain. Instead, they more fully signal the fall of the religious right's reign of anti-gay discrimination. And that, dear friends, is a forecast we can certainly get behind!

NOM- Gathering Storm [YT]

*Note: This is the national ad that we told you about yesterday.

**UPDATE: We've made our own response video

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Your thoughts

I'll race you for the barf bag.

Posted by: Taylor Siluwé | Apr 8, 2009 8:17:43 AM

Looks like we have some competition on which movement claims the rainbow as its own.

Posted by: Harrison | Apr 8, 2009 10:15:17 AM

What a load of horse pucky! As many times as those lies have been debunked, and the lying liars continue to use them. They use the lies because they work, not because they believe them. And not because they can prove them. They use them because they work. And, the lying liars know that they are lies .. we have proven it to them dozens of times. They are not simply deluded, they are purposefully deluding others.

Posted by: Dick Mills | Apr 8, 2009 10:50:20 AM

The comments for this on youtube are easily 90% or more against it, and not just that, but people expressing outright disgust at how absurd the video is. It's fantastic.

Posted by: zortnac | Apr 8, 2009 2:30:47 PM

If movies could be commercial-length, this would win horror flick of the decade.

Can't imagine this could convince anyone without freaking them out in a flurry of scary Stepfordesque whatthefuck.

Although I always forget the Midwest. The way God intended it.

Posted by: Chris | Apr 9, 2009 3:42:17 AM

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