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Warrin' with Rick: More of his fellow anti-gays say 'WTF?'
Because of his disingenuous attempts to save face on Prop 8, even more evangelicals are coming out against Rick Warren. This from One News Now:
Bishop Harry Jackson, Jr., with the High Impact Leadership Coalition says he was very disappointed with Warren's statements on CNN.
"This man who's been called the next Billy Graham, who I really respect with all my heart and love what he's doing in Africa, is falling into a trap that is emblematic of the problem that the entire church is facing in this generation," Jackson states. "And that is that we love the applause of men more than we love the work of God and the gospel. Jesus...told us that we are to honor God first, and that we are not to fear men but we're to fear God."
"He is the author of The Purpose Driven Life book," Jackson notes, "and therefore people are going to think, 'Well, this is not on my mission -- it's not on my purpose. I don't have to stand for truth.'
"Therefore, his defection -- in terms of his stance on this issue -- [and] his backsliding on this issue, becomes of tremendous damage to the strength of the church in this position."
Warren's 'backsliding' on marriage damages church [ONN]
Oh don't worry, Harry. We who lived the Prop 8 and invocation drama will NEVER -- NEV-ER! -- forget all that Mr. Warren has put on the public record. We'll see to it that his blatantly anti-gay stances are inscribed in the same unfortunate book as every other person who has gone to war against LGBT people's basic freedoms.
But if you "pro-family" folks want to write a book about his newly discovered hypocrisy and double-dealing, we might actually co-author that one with ya!
**UPDATE: Pam has even more: True believers are angry at Rick Warren's 'betrayal' on Larry King Live [PHB]
**EARLIER: Rick tricks no one [G-A-Y]
Video: Rick Warren is bearing false witness. Period. [G-A-Y]
Your thoughts
Let's see since the older hate crowd is dying off finally. Who do the evanglicals churches need to preach to to fill their pews and tithing boxes...yep, the younger generations, which overwhelmingly support Marriage Equality, and repeal of DADT, and a fully inclusive ENDA... so to keep them benches full you gotta' go with the flow. Right, Ricky babe?!
Posted by: LOrionL | Apr 9, 2009 12:26:40 PM
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