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We love to tell you when anti-hate advances

by Jeremy Hooper

The House version of LGBT-inclusive hate crimes legislation made its way out of committee today:

Hate crimes legislation cleared a hurdle Thursday, winning approval from the House Judiciary Committee.

Committee members backed the bill, 15-12, following a second day of debate. The measure will next go to the House floor for a vote, something that Capitol Hill observers have said could occur as soon as next week.

Hate crimes bill clears hurdle [Wash Blade]

In prep for the next phase, down-but-not-deterred conservative House Republicans are said to have the mother elephant on a diet even richer in fear and fallacy, in hopes that she'll deposit a load of bullcrappy foul enough to stink up the whole House. We sincerely hope our friends and allies who understand the harsh reality of biased-based crimes, as well as the inequity of protecting certain vulnerable groups but not others, will hold their nose and do the right thing.

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