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And by 'moderation,' they mean eventual deletion
Oh, FYI: Since the National Organization For Marriage is handwringing like mad over the way gay rights activists supposedly want to "silence opposition," we think everyone should know that this very same group is still refusing to post any of the perfectly fair, perfectly measured comments that we leave on their blog:
Ours is the 4th out of the 10 comments left on this post. The first three approved, as were the last six. Ours, however, lingers in comment limbo. Just like the many others that we (and you) have tried to leave.
But then again, what could we actual gay people possibly have to add to a conversation about our own lives and desires? [::writer rolls eyes, shakes head, then checks to see if there are any new comments on this site, since we actually welcome all points of view::]
EARLIER: 'Your comment is awaiting [a future deletion]' [G-A-Y]
*If you're on twitter, why not send a tweet to @nomtweets and ask them why? Or, alternately, their PR person is @MBwithCRC.
Your thoughts
I left a comment with a reference to a Meta-Study of studies done on children of same sex and opposite sex parents. I'm not surprised that it still hasn't made it through and doesn't seem like it will.
I also left one on the post where they claim that their opponent doesn't want to debate, pointing out how there are debates going on in their very own blog. Still awaiting moderation!
Posted by: Eva | May 1, 2009 3:28:49 PM
Yea, mine's been waiting almost an hour...
Posted May 1, 2009 at 7:39 pm | Permalink
Your comment is awaiting moderation.
Me being able to marry my partner in no way harms the marriage of anyone else, nor does it infringe upon anyone else’s religious freedom! This is not “redefining” marriage, because until the last decade, marriage wasn’t defined. It just was. I have no issue with people stating their opinions. I DO have issues with organizations like NOM who spreads outright LIES in order to persecute gays and lesbians. Keep in mind when you prevent me from marrying, you are not only persecuting a lesbian, but also a faithful Christian.
Posted by: Mena | May 1, 2009 4:21:27 PM
I got tired of waiting for my comment to be posted, so I emailed them the following:
Dear NOM:
It seems a bit hypocritical of you to accuse gay rights activists of silencing the opposition, when you yourselves are guilty of it! I've attempted to post several comments on a couple of your blogs, including at the end of the email. You will see, if you read them, that they in no way are inflammatory or disparaging. I simply disagree with you. And yet, my comments are in perpetual "moderation." Why is that, NOM? I am also going to include a short bio so that you may know a little about a person that you are so virulently campaigning against.
Name: Amanda Cavin
Born: 1981, Monroe, LA
Parents: 1 Male, 1 Female; married
Education: College
Career: Finance
Relationship status: Partnered for four years, four months
Currently residing: Beaumont, TX
Religion: Christian; Current member of Northwood Christian Church, Disciples of Christ. I serve as a volunteer in the children's ministry, meaning that I teach the children while their families are enjoying our pastor's sermon on Sunday mornings. I was raised in a non-denominational church in Ruston, Louisiana, and still attend when visiting my grandmother. My cousin is a children's pastor there and many of my childhood friends still attend the church.
Charity: I volunteer at Boy's Haven, a non-profit organization that houses boys 8-17 who, for different reasons, are unable to remain in the family homes (family values?!).
Friendships: Of my friends, my two closest are 1. A marine currently serving in Iraq and 2. A local police officer. My other friends are of every race, religious belief, sex, sexual orientation, and scatter all over the world, from Iraq to Japan.
Ways in which your campaign hurt me: Knowing that I may never be equal under the LAW to my married friends causes harm to my emotional well-being. Reading posts and hearing lies said and written by either your organization or your supporters causes my heart rate and blood pressure to rise to dangerous levels.
Please keep me in mind while you continue to call me a pervert and against marriage. I am PRO marriage and PRO family. The gay men and lesbian women that you are moving against have REAL faces, REAL needs, REAL dreams, REAL goals, REAL families. One day you will have to answer individually for your actions to God. May He have mercy upon you for persecuting those that love Him.
Amanda L. Cavin
Posted by: Mena | May 1, 2009 4:43:45 PM
I've been replying to a negative post about same-sex partner sponsored immigration reform (the Uniting American Families Act) tby someone who goes by Michigan Redneck. A few of us have been trying to educate the blogger and her readers about the issue, and she's been really great about posting our reasoned arguments. It's mainly because she hadn't really given much thought to the issue and wanted feedback from all sides, and we're doing that in a rational way. Interestingly, some of her loyal readers who've written in seem surprised that she's giving space to us, and she's even told us that 'it is a conservative blog', implying that she isn't accustomed to much liberal feedback. I give her huge kudos for posting everything we write in, which for the most part has been reasoned and respectful (on our part), while her usual readers have been a little less substantive. I've noticed, however, that despite her saying she'd be doing research and continuing a discussion on the issue, she's become quiet on it in the past few days, perhaps because she's not coming up with much of an argument against what we're posting.
Anyway, it's great to see people on both sides of an issue have a reasoned argument about it, and that's why I'm so glad that G-A-Y posts opposing views as well as supportive, as long as they're reasoned, respectful, and use more than just NOMinal facts to support them.
Posted by: Chris | May 1, 2009 7:24:22 PM
Does anybody else think this is absolutely ridiculous? I wrote above about the comment I left two days ago referencing the study. Today I left a comment on the NOM blog saying that others were presenting research and I asked to be let into the conversation. THAT comment has been approved, but NOT the one where I actually add something to the conversation!
To me, this makes no sense at all.
Posted by: Eva | May 2, 2009 4:32:21 AM
One thing I don't get is how often NOM and other anti-gay groups talk about "silencing the opposition".
NOM spent millions of dollars to get two ads on the air. They have a website, Maggie's been on news shows, and now JugsForJesus Prejean is making the rounds on TV.
If we're trying to silence the opposition -- we're doing a really really horrible job.
the fact that anti-gay goons can get websites, can get TV Ads made, let alone aired, and posted on youtube, the fact that they are invited to speak on news shows, and are able to call into others, the fact that all of this SPEECH of theirs keeps happening, again, and again, and again shows that freedom of speech, their rights to their beliefs are stronger than ever.
Sadly, no, the gay boogeyman isn't taking away your relgious liberties or your ability to openly, proudly, announce your bigotry.
Meanwhile, can we just get our civil rights? That's all we came in for, this whole circus is nice and all, but we've got laundry waiting.
Posted by: Jason D | May 3, 2009 1:09:28 PM
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