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Another day, another group (quietly) admitting a lie

by Jeremy Hooper

Yesterday it was the Illinois Family Institute. Now America's most prominent "ex-gay" group, Exodus International, has given up the charade that there are "30+ sexual orientations"!

Up until this week, whenever someone moused over the word "orientation" on Exodus' site, they got this definition (which was captured by ExGayWatch):

 Wp-Content Uploads 2009 05 Exodusorientationbefore-1

But now, thanks to online activism, the group has changed their definition to more fully reflect the LGSB truth of orientation! Go read more over at Truth Wins Out:

Exodus Covers Up Its Antiscientific Redefinition of Sexual Orientation [TWO]

Okay. Now it's your turn to admit the truth, Traditional Values Coalition, Congressman Louis Gohmert (Far R-TX), Focus on the Family, WorldNetDaily, Liberty Counsel, American Family Association, Congressman Steve King (As Far R as Louis-IA), and Concerned Women For America!

space gay-comment gay-G-A-Y-post gay-email gay-writer-jeremy-hooper

Your thoughts

We all know that the lying liars don't give a crap what we think, or what we say to them, or even how many times that we point out their lies. So, what gives? Why are they suddenly "ashamed" of their lying liar ways? Is it that the mainstream media (MSNBC and CNN mostly) have started to call them on their lies? Maybe some of the minions have inadvertently been led astray (informed as to the truth) by channel surfing on their way to FAUX news?

They aren't really admitting that they deceived (LIED to) their battalions, but are instead surreptitiously cleansing the record (rewriting the history) of their misdeeds. But it is nonetheless somewhat heartening. Unlike Cheney, who is out defending the Cheney/Bush torture legacy, they appear to be distancing themselves from their lying liar legacy - at least in the most minimalistic sense of the word distancing.

Posted by: Dick Mills | May 13, 2009 6:36:54 PM

Heterosexuality is listed among those 30 orientations, right before homosexual/gay/lesbian!!! So they are inadvertently listing the "only right one" alongside zoophilia and pedophilia...

Nobody tell them about this lol.

Posted by: Mariya | May 13, 2009 11:49:39 PM

The only thing gay folks need protection from is the lie that gay is ok, it's not any more ok then premarital sex or sex out side of marriage. You folks know right from wrong so before you get on others about their wrongs get yourselves right so you have ground to stand on. Give up the lie that gay is ok .

Posted by: sinner | May 15, 2009 8:27:08 AM

The amazing thing about the Gay community is in one breath, they want to undermine and destroy marriage as it is, but in the next breath, they want to "Validate" their perverted relationship by getting "Married!" Isn't that amazing?

So could some gay person make me understand this very interesting "tactic" being used by the gay agenda? You hate marriage as God has defined it, but you want to get married on your terms. Wow!


Posted by: Wayne | May 16, 2009 7:39:09 PM

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