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Audio: Racing to divide us

by Jeremy Hooper

How do you take an anti-gay ad and make it more in tune with the District of Columbia? Well if you're the National Organization For Marriage, you take the same exact ad that you've been running in other states and you replace the old voices with ones that are obviously meant to target a specific community:

They had no reason to change the voices, as they didn't change a word. They used the old voiceovers in every other state that they've recently tried to muddy with bias. But for DC, a re-record was specifically in order? Does that strike anyone else as particularly, willfully divisive?

But then again, we're also sensitive to attempts to turn a minority group that had to fight against religious bias to obtain their own civil rights against a minority group that's currently being forced to do the same. What can we say? We're just historically aware like that.

*Thanks to the pro-gay DC For Marriage for posting this ad!

*Earlier NOM eyebrow-raisers involving race: United we could stand, but divided is what they've been working since fall [G-A-Y]

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