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Audio: They despise us. They really, really despise us.
Perez Hilton is a "vile sodomite" and Rachel Maddow is a "little boy...Keith Olbermann's nephew." That's foul rhetoric to most of us. But in the increasingly disturbing world of conservative talk radio, it's just another day in the life of a fill-in host trying to land a syndication deal.
And believe it or not, the sum of the parts is actually worse than the two aforementioned components. Go listen to the full audio over at HuffPo:
Andrew Wilkow, the guest host for the highly rated right-wing "Mark Levin Show", went on a tirade Tuesday night against Democrats. While it shouldn't be a surprise that a right-wing talk host would slam Democrats, Wilkow's tirade was particularly nasty.
LISTEN TO THE NUTTY: "Mark Levin" Guest Host Calls Maddow A "Little Boy", Perez Hilton A "Vile Sodomite" (AUDIO) [HuffPo]
Your thoughts
Disgusting. However I do agree Mario Lavandeira is a vile sodomite.
Posted by: Alonzo | May 15, 2009 1:40:56 PM
Correction: Mario Lavandeira is a vile human being.
Posted by: Alonzo | May 15, 2009 1:42:09 PM
I'm not really sure that this guy legitimately feels anything, including spite. To say that this moron--and lolpeople like him--process real, human emotions is to give them a credit that they do not deserve. They do not think, they do not even afford themselves the opportunity to process their feelings; rather, they observe a situation that displeases them, and react. They are subhuman.
Posted by: Garet | May 15, 2009 1:50:53 PM
Personally, I find it rather refreshing that he didn't go into the "love the sinner, hate the sin." Let people like him show their true colors.
Posted by: Mike in the Tundra | May 15, 2009 5:04:30 PM
Those promoting the anti-gay agenda are becoming more desperate and hateful. The great thing about this is the worse they get, they more they prove our point and strengthen our cause! One of the best PR people we have is Fred Phelps of the Westboro Baptist Church. It's much more difficult to show how hateful these people really are when they try to mask their hate under sugary niceness as they have been able to do for the last few decades.
Posted by: Michael | May 16, 2009 2:59:25 AM
While Andrew Wilkow is a vile jackass for calling Perez Hilton a vile sodomite the jackass Andrew Wilkow makes a good point.
President Obama gave the same answer to the question, I personally do not support gay marriage, and President Obama will not lift a finger to support gay marriage or stop the military from discharging soldiers like Lt. Choi because the President Obama is simply not willing to put his reelection on the line to support us.
Posted by: Owen | May 16, 2009 11:24:57 AM
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