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Heath keeps talking; Our chances of winning in Maine keep growing
Another day, another noxious quote from the Maine "pr-family" movement's main liability, Michael Heath. This time, while denouncing a proposal to bring gambling to the Pine Tree State, Heath suggests that same-sex marriage has led the local legislature to lose their morality:
"It is appalling in a time of economic crisis that a state government which has already mismanaged finances so badly would turn to vice as a source of revenue. Such a plan makes a mockery of Maine's reputation for honesty, hard work, and government integrity. It is deeply disturbing that the proposal would come from the Chairman of the Taxation Committee. It is clear that Augusta lost its moral compass when it endorsed homosexual marriage. Now they are looking for a way to prey directly on the public."
No State-Run Gambling Parlors for ME! [MFPC]
Of course this is the same man who intimated that the past year's financial crisis could be due to God's wrath against gays/liberals. We're not sure why the taxation, gay rights, or reality communities should listen to anything he has to say in any of these areas.
But the thing is: The leader's at Focus on the Family and Family Research Council, the parents of Mike's Maine Family Policy Council, are asking evangelicals to listen to him as he attempts to roll back basic fairness. And in doing so, these "mainstream" evangelicals are willfully positioning themselves not as birds of a nice, loving, Christian feather, but rather as buzzards of a demonizing, moral-hijacking, unabashedly hurtful flock! It is to their movement's peril that they foster Mike Heath's tired tried and testy tested rhetoric!
**EARLIER: Heath's bar: Examining the verbal diarrhea of Maine's head anti-gay [G-A-Y]
'Abnormal and unhealthy': Head of Maine 'pro-family' movement is also its biggest liability [G-A-Y]