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by Jeremy Hooper
AUGUSTA – Democratic Gov. John Baldacci today signed into law a bill allowing gay marriage, making Maine the fifth state to allow same-sex marriage.
Baldacci signs same-sex marriage into law [Press-Herald]

And then there were five.

And then, eventually, there will be peace.

**Oh, and let's not forget that technically this is our sixth win. Prop 8 was a temporary setback, but we WON in California. No amount of money or fallacy-filled campaigns will ever be able to take that away from us!

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Your thoughts


Posted by: Alonzo | May 6, 2009 1:26:31 PM

Yes. There will be peace. EVENTUALLY!

I can hear Gallagher playing the drums of war right now. I also hear Samuel Wurzelbacher digging a protective moat around his house.

Posted by: KZ | May 6, 2009 1:34:59 PM

Before we celebrate, we need to get ready to fight the "people's veto" initiative that they're going to try to pull.

Posted by: RainbowPhoenix | May 6, 2009 1:41:18 PM

Wow! And this time the Governor signed it! How sweet is that!

I can already feel the scorching heat from the inferno building in belly of the radical religious fundies. If you're anywhere near Maggie Gallagher or the Liberty [Overheating] Live (LOL) boys, you'll want to step back 'cause, "Captain, I think she's gonna blow!"

Posted by: Dick Mills | May 6, 2009 1:41:22 PM

We're getting there!

Thank You HRC, and hopefully we'll have full marriage equality through out the nation soon.

Special thanks to everyone who showed up at Clergy Call 2009!!!

Posted by: Katie | May 6, 2009 1:53:17 PM

Hell yeah!!!! The beautiful thing about this is that at least the "judicial activism" whine can't apply here, though I'm sure there are quite a few others the right-wingers will try.

One-tenth of the states now! Last night I wrote in my blog that it seemed like a new one every week, and now Maine jumps up!

Posted by: GreenEyedLilo | May 6, 2009 3:24:27 PM

If they gather 60,000 signatures in 90 days, then there is automatically a statewide vote. The law may be repealed if the vote goes in favor of the veto.

To be sure, I'm excited. That is to say, I'm doling out high-fiving like a frat boy at a ball game. Still, the fight isn't quite over.

Posted by: Drew | May 6, 2009 3:35:47 PM

And then they were AWESOME!

That's 10%

Posted by: Garet | May 6, 2009 4:22:52 PM

Keep those family pics and storie pouring in in Maine.

Did you hear some of those Legislators with family and just friends who are supportive.

One Rep saying that he told his 8 year old that it was a big day 'at work.' ... She asked why, and he said they were to vote on a bill that would allow, 2 Moms or 2 Dads to get married. As she has classmates with ss parents... She said simply... You mean they can't? Why not? You fix it.

Posted by: LOrion | May 6, 2009 6:52:59 PM

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