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Hypocrisy, thy name is LaBarbera
On Wednesday, in response to this writer's request for an on-the-record statement regarding what he and his allies see as their anti-gay endgame, Americans For Truth's Peter LaBarbera wrote back with this:
There's nothing explosive under the black bars -- but as always, I have and will continue to honor his "not for publication" request.
But now let's look over at Pete's AFT site. In a new, rambly, sadly desperate plea for money wherein he attempts to paint the gay activist community as evil, Peter puts forth the following:
AFTAH Asks: Why Are ‘Conservative’ Leaders Selling Out on ‘Civil Unions’? [AFT]
Yes that's right: He's using a private email that he's received as a way of drumming up cash. So apparently, even though he's against anyone citing his own emails in the public sphere, Peter considers all of the emails he receives not only publishable, but also identifiable by writer's name. On his end, he wants to be able to operate one way in private email correspondence, and another way on his site. But when it comes to others' private messages, any usage is fair.
Except, of course, when the emails sent his way, at his own request, turn out to be kind, gentle, and thoroughly pro-gay. Then he just ignores them.
Stay transparent, Pete!
**SEE ALSO: Alvin McEwen weighs in on the money woes: LaBarbera, Americans for Truth having money problems [HB&HM]
Your thoughts
Jeremy, I envy the way you can break down Peter's hypocrisies. And thanks for the shout out ;p
Posted by: a. mcewen | May 29, 2009 11:57:37 AM
Tricky black bars:
"----- this, Jeremy: I sincerely want you to leave the gay lifestyle, which is sinful. I think God -------"
Are the damning bits for publication in the more blacked out regions? Or is this some schizophrenic personality where any kind of...lapse in his demeanor is damning?
Posted by: Devon | May 29, 2009 1:06:13 PM
Devon: There's nothing more damning. You have the general gist of it.
Posted by: G-A-Y | May 29, 2009 1:14:30 PM
I've long maintained that black bars and bleeping make things seem way more interesting than they are, and this just reinforces that opinion.
As for LaBarbera's financial issues, I found myself doing the ritualistic "wiping away of mock tears" I perform whenever a NASCAR driver I dislike has a problem with his car. Swipe left eye, swipe right eye, then let the smile come out...
Posted by: GreenEyedLilo | May 29, 2009 3:22:11 PM
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