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It's happening!

by Jeremy Hooper

Picture 42-2

Here's hoping we'll all wear "what's right" after Memorial Day.

Day of Decision

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Your thoughts

To support the 'cause.' ...no matter the rulings. TUESDAY is being declared the DAY of DECISION for activism, as you note link.

For those of you NOT in California. It is a White Knot/ White Ribbon day. Wear a White Knot, but better yet... buy White Ribbon and tie it around anything and everything you want! ... as a show of continued support for Marriage Equality.

Could make the day a little more fun.

Posted by: LOrion | May 22, 2009 3:02:32 PM

On Tuesday, we all are Californians! The decision will, in every way, affect all of us - everywhere. If we celebrate, then we all, everywhere, celebrate. But, win or lose, we all stand united in the cause of justice and equality.

So, get your sign boards ready, and wear appropriate shoes!

Posted by: Dick Mills | May 22, 2009 4:09:19 PM

Thanks, LOrion! I'll make sure I have a white ribbon in my hair (long, frequently pulled back) when I go to work that day. But I wear white lots and my wife maybe has half an inch of hair on her head, so we'll need to find ways to get creative with it this weekend.

White knots for the knots our stomachs will be in!!!!

Posted by: GreenEyedLilo | May 22, 2009 9:43:47 PM

As a proud, gay, taxpaying Californian, I'm looking forward to the decision. Whether we win or lose does not really matter at this point. We will continue our struggle and we will ultimately win equality.

Celebrations/protests are not just occurring in California, but also some other states. You can see a list of all scheduled events here: http://www.dayofdecision.com/

We shall overcome!

Posted by: Michael | May 22, 2009 9:57:57 PM

I predict that this decision, win or lose, will come to be noted as one of the biggest points in our fight that school children across America will one day have to memorize as a boring, trivializing fact.

Posted by: Clicky the Fox | May 22, 2009 10:47:03 PM

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