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Programming note: Whoopi! Mike gets to Sherri Joy with Elisabeth

by Jeremy Hooper

Just a heads up: Noted activist and G-A-Y friend Mike Rogers is going to be on today's episode of "The View":


We'll bring you video as soon as we have it.

**UPDATE: As promised:

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Your thoughts

Unsurprised by Elizabeth's hypocrisy: "personal issues shouldn't influence how reps vote" etc. Really? Oh, except if they're religious - then it's A-OK. People vote on their personal beliefs when it comes to our rights ALL THE TIME. I'm really disgusted that they didn't call her out on that. I have really tried to watch this show and give her the benefit of the doubt (and Sherri) but I think I'm just done. Feed her to the lions already. I'm not a big fan of outing but I understand this is about hypocrisy and don't expect most people to get it. Thanks for posting this J.

Posted by: ZnSD | May 22, 2009 3:29:18 PM

I was glad to see this. I hope they'll have him back on again for a longer interview.

Posted by: deb | May 22, 2009 8:10:43 PM

Mike is a personal friend who has had to fight to earn his credibility. True story: When I first started G-A-Y, I was actually told by a prominent blogger that they would never link to me as long as I linked to Mike Rogers' site.

So it's nice to see him getting this recognition, and having the opportunity to explain his work. And I say that as someone who operates from a different perspective on certain issues (including the one near and dear to his heart), yet who also immensely respects his role in this movement. Mike gets sh*t done!

Posted by: G-A-Y | May 22, 2009 10:37:50 PM

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