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Ro's 'mo bro versus NY's status quo

by Jeremy Hooper

Picture 2-239As the New York Assembly readies itself to once again pass marriage equality, The New York Times takes a look at the marriage bill's sponsor, Assemblyman Daniel O'Donnell, Go check it out:

He has helped gather nearly 90 votes in the 150-member Assembly, which is expected to easily pass the bill. But he is also using the Assembly vote as a way to pressure members of the Senate, where the legislation’s fate will be decided, and demonstrate to wary senators that there is support in their districts for the bill.

Mr. O’Donnell’s unsubtle approach has endeared him to some colleagues in the Capitol and rankled others.

Keep reading: Assemblyman Makes Gay Marriage Bill Personal [NYT]

Wait a minute: An O'Donnell is in the public stage on the same day that Donald Trump announces the fate of a Miss USA contestant? Oy. We've seen how this script can play out.

But of course the only Trump with which Danny's concerned is the idea that equality trumps bias. In a perfect world, the media would care as much about that as they did the aforementioned tête-à-tête .

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