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They finally got it!

by Jeremy Hooper

After one version wherein the misspelled "marriage," and another where they encouraged folks to say no to "same same sex marriage," the National Organization For Marriage has managed to put out a version of their anti-gay NY ad that is free of typos:

Picture 1-272
NOM's Third stab at getting it right [YT]

Now if they could only correct their fundamental flaw of requesting a "NO" vote on basic fairness, maybe they correct their reputation as ably as they've altered their typos!


: First version [G-A-Y]
Second version [G-A-Y]
A third NOM mistake [G-A-Y]

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Your thoughts

Ummm... yep got it. CAL your senator?

Hey why don't you put this up in juxtaposition? CMatthews had
OLSON and BOIES on last night...re their FEDERAL suit.


Posted by: LOrion | May 29, 2009 11:33:05 AM

Sorry, about posting video..you had it all the time...! Oh well it is a good one, I will rewatch after reading about all the crazies. Sane sensible older white Het men for Marriage Equality and willing to go pro bono the Supreme Court to get it. (Think they want to run for President?)...ok, not that dumb.

Posted by: LOrion | May 29, 2009 12:15:39 PM

Did you see Kieth Olbermann point out her blunder and further exaggerate it into a major faux pas? I think that a lot of those guys are getting some of their best stories by reading your blog!

Posted by: Dick Mills | May 30, 2009 12:09:25 AM

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