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TVC pedo-ing even more offense

by Jeremy Hooper

Attention gay men who carry protest signs: You are all pedophiles.

Or at least that's what one could reasonably assume if they saw the way that the so-called Traditional Values Coalition, the SPLC-certified hate group that has been the key force behind the "there are over 30 sexual orientations" nonsense, has labeled a photo of a pro-gay protestor:

TVC's 'pedophilia' image [TVC]

Because apparently in "No More Mr. Nice Gay," they somehow read: "Hey little kid, do you want some candy?"

But then again, it wasn't their ability to accurately assess that led Louis Sheldon and company to become one of only 12 anti-gay hate groups in the nation.

*Note: If anyone knows the guy in this photo, PLEASE let us know.

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Your thoughts

I don't know who he is yet, but the picture was used by the Huffington Post in March. It's a much bigger picture.



Looking at the image's properties, it was taken 11/9/08 at 3:01:56 pm by a TMC-TZ3 camera.

The hunt continues...

Posted by: Matt Algren | May 8, 2009 1:45:11 PM

I found the fence he's standing in front of. That's the LDS temple in Westwood, CA.


Posted by: Matt Algren | May 8, 2009 2:47:35 PM

I dont know the guy but that picture is outside the Mormon Temple in West Hollywood.

Posted by: Jeff | May 8, 2009 3:06:17 PM

Oh, that poor guy in the picture. Hope he wanted to become famous...

Can we start making some allegations about their sex lives now? Something involving unfortunate markings, unflattering comparisons to baby boys and womens' pinky fingers, and/or the many fine "ED" drugs out there? I'm gonna need a very good reason why not.

Posted by: GreenEyedLilo | May 8, 2009 3:34:27 PM

Could he sue? I mean, falsely accusing someone of pedophilia is pretty despicable.

Posted by: Bill S | May 8, 2009 4:01:46 PM

If I were him I'd consider a libel suit.

Posted by: SammySeattle | May 9, 2009 12:32:38 AM

Yes, he could sue. IANAL, but baseless accusations of immoral conduct have near-universally been held to constitute libel.

And yes, that is the Westwood (Los Angeles, CA) LDS temple protest from early November. There were thousands of people there.

I'd love to see a lawsuit against this particular hate group. I don't believe US law allows for class-action libel suits, but at least we could get them on this count. =)

Posted by: Johan Baumeister | May 11, 2009 2:16:10 PM

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