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Twas the night before (in)justice

by Jeremy Hooper

200905252258-1There is lots, lots, LOTS of anticipation over tomorrow's California Supreme Court decision on Prop 8. Some are spending their time pontificating for the side of reasonable justice:

With all the doom and gloom surrounding the expected upholding of Proposition 8 by the California Supreme Court tomorrow, I thought it might brighten your day a little to look at my collection of the top 5 reasons the court will (or should) strike Prop 8.
Top 5 reasons why Prop 8 will (or should) be stricken [Examiner]

Others, like particularly vehement California 'mo foe Randy Thomasson, are hoping not only for injustice to prevent future marriages, but also the 18,000+ already in-place unions:

"Bottom line," Thomasson said, "it's virtually guaranteed that the court will rule that only man-woman marriages could be performed after the vote on Prop. 8, but that nearly four months of homosexual 'marriages' performed before the election day will still be recognized. This would be half right and half wrong, not giving the Constitution or the voters the respect they deserve."
CA RELEASE 5/22/09: California Supreme Court Expected to 'Half Uphold' Prop. 8 [CCF]

Then there are those who are directing their musings not to the ruling itself, but rather the potential meaning. Echoing a theme that we've touched on a few times, writer Sara Robinson warns that while a positive decision (i.e. a complete repudiation of the ugliness that is Prop 8) will be coolysmooth for us, it could be frightening for gays who have to face a mad/frightened opposition on the ground:

It’s a sad irony that the best possible outcome for America’s gay movement could also turn out to be the tipping point for the biggest anti-gay, anti-liberal backlash we’ve seen yet.
Decision Day on California's Prop 8 [Orcinus]

Or for those seeking a local, street-level perspective: Longtime activist and San Francisco local Michael Petrelis tells (and shows) us about the scene in a surprisingly serene Castro, where reporters from have naturally headed to cover the ruling and reaction:

The streets of San Francisco are very low-key today, because of the Memorial Day holiday, and I rode my bike up to Castro Street, just to get a sense of the neighborhood, the day before the state Supreme Court rules on the validity of the passage of Prop 8.
NYT, Media Hunt for Castro Street Stories on Eve of Gay Marriage Ruling [Petrelis Files]

And then, of course, there are the organizers of the big Day of Decision rallies, who are working fast and furiously to ensure that people will actually move their booties to the multiple events that have been planned in cities both in California and nationwide:

Find Your City

So what does it all mean? Well, it means that it's time for yours truly to go to bed and rest his lil' bloggy fingers and sign-waving arms. Tomorrow may be jubilant and it may be shitty -- but it will undoubtedly be monumental.

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Your thoughts

It'll be something! And once again, we'll be missing a Stanley Cup playoff game and checking scores from our phones in the middle of a pro-SSM rally. *blushes and smiles* Toes crossed that it's a celebration.

Posted by: GreenEyedLilo | May 26, 2009 8:34:53 AM

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