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Video: Careful Who You Trust, NH!
New Hampshire's Cornerstone Policy Research, working with the National Organization For Marriage, just released this ad:
Fortunately, we don't need NOM's big ad budget to warn New Hampshire residents about the kinds of groups in which CPR places their own trust. Enjoy (*and please distribute widely!):
*Here's a Youtube version of our ad, for easier distribution.
It's on!
*Our earlier story on this matter (with link to the MassResistance document): A certified hate group: The cornerstone of NH marriage foes' policy? [G-A-Y]
**UPDATE: CPR doesn't want you to see our ad.
Your thoughts
Gay is not ok.Homosexuals can get married, but marriage is a heterosexual instatution,do not hate because you dont want to be heterosexual,its your choice and its not our fault you choose not to be heterosexual.
Posted by: sinner | May 7, 2009 8:40:47 AM
Yawn, sinner.
Posted by: G-A-Y | May 7, 2009 9:42:09 AM
I think the hypocrisy of those who want to protect marriage, have done NOTHING about divorce. They have done NOTHING about deadbeat dads who divorce and pay little to no support for their children. I was a child of a deadbeat dad. My godkids don't receive a goddamn penny from their father (who used to be my best friend).
Seems to me, these people are more afraid of the fact that we earnestly want to married and are not coerced into marriage (pregnancy, arraigned marriages, family expectations, etc).
Posted by: Eddie Keator | May 7, 2009 9:56:07 AM
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