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Video: 'Factor' Fiction
Bill "I'm an independent even though I'm SO not" O'Reilly is now carrying water for the far-right and their "pedophilia is a sexual orientation" claims:
Yes, Bill, and here is a list of other things that Rep. Baldwin didn't want included in the bill:
Sex with school buses
Popsicle sucking
Pregnant virgins
People with a fetish for f***ing up the truth by injecting baseless, disingenuous lies into the discourse
Those who claim to not spin, but in reality are more dizzying fashion than a merry-go-round
And why didn't Rep Baldwin want these things (and many others) included in the measure? BECAUSE. THEY. HAVE. NOTHING. TO. DO. WITH. ACTUAL. SCIENTIFICALLY. DEFINED. SEXUAL. ORIENTATIONS. OR. GENDER. IDENTITIES!!!!!!!!!!!!! Putting this politically-motivate non-orientation into the bill would be like putting the mortgage of a new Focus on the Family headquarters into a financial stimulus package!
Though we do hope for our socially conservative opposition that extended noses are next up in the sought-after hate crimes protections. With the Pinocchio-like way that they are addressing this "fight," they just might need it.
Your thoughts
I hope he remembers moments like this the next time he wonders why he got the pink brick.
Posted by: | May 6, 2009 9:56:48 AM
Did Bill's list include...loofahs or a falafel? If I were him, I'd be very careful talking about what's considered an orientation and what isn't. Considering the list of his predilections that came up in his sexual harassment lawsuit.
Posted by: Taylor | May 6, 2009 1:11:33 PM
Anyone who would use Steve King (R, Idiot) Iowa as the spokesman for their argument has already lost.
Posted by: Owen | May 7, 2009 4:31:02 AM
One can have it as a SO (not a mental disorder) or being disabled (it is a mental disorder), either way, it is covered.
Posted by: Dr Nigel Leigh Oldfield | May 8, 2009 8:41:48 AM
Posted by: Dr Nigel Leigh Oldfield | May 8, 2009 8:42:49 AM
Just stop it, Mr. Oldfield. Seriously. You are spinning for your own self-satisfaction. And your bio (which I won't repeat, but that anyone can Google if they wish) speaks for itself.
Posted by: G-A-Y | May 8, 2009 8:53:48 AM
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