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Video: That annual event where everyone goes 'haha, the world has problems and we're involved. Teehee, lolz'

by Jeremy Hooper

A lesbian Supreme Court nominee? Well, who knows? But when it comes to a sapphic sister serving as correspondents' jester, Wanda's already been confirmed:

**More: President Shecky Obama:

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Your thoughts

And didn't you hear that his lesbian Supreme Court nominee hopes to buy a house next to Obama's gay Secretary of the Navy? Remember him?

Guess you must have a lot of Barackberry Kool Aid left if you lead this morning with what a hoot the Prez is. Did you roll on the floor after his hilarious gay marriage joke....wait, it's his position of gay marriage that's a joke.

The performance of the weekend was his Homohatred er National Security Advisor's DADT tap dance.

Posted by: You're Kidding, Right? | May 11, 2009 9:57:12 AM

Huh?! What in this post possibly makes you say that? There is absolutely zero commentary about "what a hoot the Prez is"!

Posted by: G-A-Y | May 11, 2009 10:24:25 AM

Wanda was pretty good.

Best: Gov, Palin is not here tonight.... She pulled out at the last minute.
Somebody needs to tell her that is not really how you practice abstinence!

on Michelle baring arms...it's okay they're pretty. Just watch em you're over there patting Queen on back like she just slid into home plate...Way to go Queen!.

Whose idea to give ipod. (Michelle points at Obama.)
Should have given her a real American momento of our country... give 'em TEXAS.

BUT true honesty for last: ..and even grief about Bo...why didn't he get a rescue dog? Look the man has to rescue his country that has been abused by its previous owner. Let him have a fresh start with the dog.

Posted by: LOrion | May 11, 2009 3:10:02 PM

Watching ATLANTIS launch.. successfully. Finally had time to listen to Obama. Here is what he said.

"I still remember the day I called AX (David Axelrod). ..and said to him. You and I can do wonderful things together. ... and he said, Yes, what partners all over the country are doing... Lets go to IOWA and make it official.'

Of course it had two meanings, but along his demeanor while saying it he was seriously congratuating IOWA... 'on making it official.'

Posted by: LOrion | May 11, 2009 4:39:53 PM

I love Michelle's eye-roll when she tells her to keep her arms to herself.

I also love... Well, most of this actually. Wanda cracks me up.

Posted by: Claire | May 11, 2009 6:05:54 PM

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