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BREAKING: Let's all welcome state #6

by Jeremy Hooper

Newhampshire-1By a vote of 198-176, the New Hampshire House just approved the reworked marriage equality bill. Gov. Lynch is expected to sign without hesitation.

Some of us still have apprehensions about the demanded religious protections. But for now we celebrate the positive. And this, my friends, is a positive day for a great state, a great nation, and a great concept: equality.

**UPDATE: Gov. Lynch has signed!

**MORE: NH victory in photos and video [HRC Backstory]

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Your thoughts

Good news for our neighbors to the east and congratulations from Vermont. Thanks so much, Jeremy for providing the live coverage link!

Time for good news for our neighbors to the immediate west now.

Posted by: tom | Jun 3, 2009 4:23:33 PM

6 down 44 to go!

Posted by: Pomo | Jun 3, 2009 6:40:35 PM

Wow. I live in California, the most progressive state in the nation and what do we have? A Governator vetoed marriage bill and a voter mob-rule approved, Supreme Court upheld ban on same sex marriage. I'm happy for all the New Englanders and Iowans with their new found equality. I'd just like to be able to get married someplace that's not hip deep in snow in the winter. C’mon, Cali, let’s get back in the game.

Posted by: WilliamM | Jun 3, 2009 8:49:56 PM

That was a bit too close for comfort.

Posted by: RainbowPhoenix | Jun 3, 2009 9:13:02 PM

God is good!

Posted by: Michael | Jun 3, 2009 9:21:38 PM

Did you see Rachel Maddow cast this news in a Mitt Romney light?! Brilliant! He spent his entire presidential campaign trying to distance himself from gay marriage in Mass., and now that he has sold his house in Mass., and bought in New Hampshire - GAY MARRIAGE! Seems to follow him where ever he moves to. Maybe he should move to California next??

Posted by: Dick Mills | Jun 3, 2009 10:03:19 PM

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