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Hey Maine: Do you really want to lend your name to gay 'conversion'?

by Jeremy Hooper

The Bangor Daily News is reporting that the campaign to roll back marriage equality in Maine has begun in earnest:

The Rev. Bob Emrich, a spokesman for a coalition of groups that support traditional marriage, traveled the state last week distributing petitions and explaining the rules circulators must follow to ensure the signatures they collect are valid.
Petitioners begin seeking signatures to repeal gay marriage [bangor Daily News]

So that being the case, we want to show Mainers the sort of mindset to which the Bob Emrichs of the world are asking you to sing on. For it's not really just a campaign to "protect the sanctity of marriage," as they will surely say. Underneath that rhetoric is an overall campaign to "change" gays.

Think we're being alarmist? Well, here are three of the eight videos that Pastor Emrich has posted to his official YouTube channel:

Pastor Emerich's channel [YT]

The anti-gay side is right about one thing: Political action around the issue of marriage has consequences for children. Unfortunately it is gay children who are truly affected, with accurate, scientific assessments of their realities being the victimized concept! Maine families deserve much better.

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Your thoughts

You know what really should be taken polical action against? Conversion "therapy." Not only is it ineffective and unscientific, but also potentially-harmful to the individual.

Posted by: ---- | Jun 1, 2009 12:33:58 PM

It's funny how the people in the videos stress that there is no reliable proof that gays are born that way and can't change, yet there is no talk on how successful their ministries and therapy are. Randy Thomas and Chambers have even clarified that 'change' isn't necessarily going from gay to completely straight.

Posted by: KZ | Jun 1, 2009 4:23:41 PM

They don't even have the scriptures right!

Anyway, at least they aren't saying we have to love gays, which is better than Fred Phelps. But not by much ...

I have some articles on scripture at http://www.sokatie.com ... especially if you scroll to my links.

Posted by: Katie | Jun 2, 2009 5:50:02 AM

So, these ex-gays ... I always have to ask myself if they are for real, or what their real story is.

Would you mind doing some more coverage on that? Like, the girl in the second video doesn't seem like a liar, but based on the stats that I've seen ... IDK ... know what I mean? Plus, the founders of Exodus are now married to each other and the last guy running the show was caught in a gay bar.


Posted by: Katie | Jun 2, 2009 5:56:28 AM

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