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His law vs. our collective law: One's a marital choice, one's not (at least if you want legal recognition)
They say:
"We are grieved at [yesterday's] action, but we are not at all surprised. Homosexual activists have succeeded in making same-sex marriage legal in New Hampshire. But they have not succeeded, nor do I believe they will ever succeed, in their real goal -- to make same-sex marriage honorable in New Hampshire. Just to keep things in perspective -- today the governor of New Hampshire signed a document and changed the law. But the God of Heaven has not changed any of His laws. And I don’t expect He will."
-Sam Taylor, pastor of Nashua Baptist Church [Baptist Press]
We say:
"Well it's a good thing we've made no attempt -- NO ATTEMPT! -- to change 'His laws.' In fact in NH, specific strides were taken to assure religious 'protection.'
Have a nice day condemning people on religious grounds. But you will not deny us our right to equality."
-Jeremy Hooper/ Good As You
Your thoughts
Dear Mr. Taylor: I don't expect He will either. Because I don't believe He exists.
Posted by: Bruno | Jun 4, 2009 5:15:45 PM
Wait, didn't Jesus die to change a rule god made?
Posted by: Zack | Jun 4, 2009 5:41:32 PM
I must assume that Nashua Baptist is not one of the welcoming congregations in the US.
This was addressed during a conference call: Reported by VANASCO:
We need to take back the religious and moral high ground.
That was the message today from a conference call organized by the Center for American Progress with Rev. Gene Robinson, the openly gay Episcopal Bishop of New Hampshire and Rev. Rebecca Voekel, Director of the Institute for Welcoming Resources and Faith Work of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, plus the authors of two new reports on gay marriage and religion.
In the past, the battle has gone like this: The anti-gay right uses Biblical and religious language, plus the infrastructure of religious institutions, to make the case that equal marriage invalidates the sacredness of limited straight marriage.
Gay activists, on the other hand, have a secular message of civil and human rights, focusing on the benefits gays and lesbians get from marriage. We reach out to religious groups, sure, but only once the battle lines have been drawn, and then haphazardly.
This is why we lose, when we do.
he solution?
First, that we acknowledge that religious opposition requires a religious response. Those on the call said that it is very important that we call on GLBT’s who are religious to speak up both in their faith communities and in their queer communities in order to help find common ground.
We must cultivate and support progressive religious leaders who speak out in the media and in the pulpit on our issues. We must show the media and the public that the Religious Right does not speak for all people of faith, or even all Christians.
We must emphasize to legislators and the public that religious marriage and civil marriage are two different states that share the same noun. We must say, as Robinson does, that forbidding gay marriage is a case where religions are infringing on a state’s right to marry those they deem fit.
We must build “strong and authentic alliances” with religious leaders and convince them that gay rights is a matter of justice.
And we must not write off any religious group as unmovable - all denominations and religions have moderate voices.
Voekel said that there are 5 million members of Welcoming Congregations across the nation - congregations that have voted to affirm that they are open to GLBTs. Younger evangelicals are twice as likely as evangelicals over all to support gay marriage, said Winne Stachelberg, vice president for external affairs for the Center for American Progress. 60 percent of Catholics under 30 support gay marriage. 2/3 of mainline Protestant clergy support gay relationships.
So we must support and elevate the discourse with affirming religious....
(and televise Bishop Gene's marriage.)
Posted by: LOrion | Jun 4, 2009 8:42:11 PM
I believe God created me as I am. Hots for men and all. I don't believe I was created this way just to be alone. How arrogant of Mr. Taylor to presume to know God's will now, when no one can claim to have met him.
Posted by: RainbowPhoenix | Jun 4, 2009 11:42:57 PM
Wow, he must really serve a weak God who can't get his own point across. I'm Pagan now and serve multiple Gods; I believe that when you need to hear from one of Them, you will, and They need very little help from me. When I was a Christian, I believed God was a big boy who could pretty much take care of himself.
My wife (an atheist) often observes that kind and secure people tend to worship kind and secure Gods, and mean and insecure people tend to worship mean and insecure Gods. This has served me very well in many ways, and quite often when it comes to LGBT issues.
Posted by: GreenEyedLilo | Jun 5, 2009 9:10:30 AM
Jeremy, I love your new "we say" photo!
Posted by: andy | Jun 5, 2009 10:34:13 AM
Why do some people always try to blame these things on "homosexual activists"?
What about the heterosexuals who believe in gay equality? If it were JUST "homosexuals" (about 5% of the population), such legislation would never get passed.
These people spend too much of their time worrying about ways to express their disapproval. INSISTING on making it known, cause they have nothing better to do.
Jesus had PLENTY of words for people like this pastor, but I doubt he'd be interested in hearing them.
Stuff about worrying about the beam in your own eye before concerning yourself about the mote in somebody else's eye.
Stuff like judge not, lest ye be judged.
I just hope he is as vigorous in condemning divorce, which Jesus ACTUALLY SPOKE against (unlike homosexuality). Divorce is much more rampant in our society, and more prominent in the Baptist religion than a lot of other religions.
Somehow, I doubt he concerns himself much with getting people to honor Jesus's words on divorce...
Posted by: foundit66 | Jun 5, 2009 10:38:23 AM
Oh it's not new, andy. It's from a 2008 issue of 'The Advocate.'
But thanks, nonetheless :-)
Posted by: G-A-Y | Jun 5, 2009 10:59:02 AM
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