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Oops, we meant our sample size was 400,000+ less than we stated
Is New Hampshire's Cornerstone Policy Research now admitting that they lied when they repeatedly claimed to have polled "EVERY HOUSEHOLD IN NH - that's right, 432,398 households"? Well, it sure seems that way. Check out this snippet from Baptist Press:
Cornerstone Policy Research also released a poll of 50,000 households showing that 64 percent agreed that "marriage between one man and one woman should be the only legal definition of marriage" in the state.
N.H. 'gay marriage' law could be reversed [BP]
Wait a second: 50,000 households? Well that's very interesting, considering that for weeks CPR (and their friends) claimed that this 64% figure came from a full assessment of every last household in the state. Now, mysteriously, they have somehow lost 412,998 households?!?! What the hell happened: Did they suddenly forget that they don't possess the superheroic ability to go insider every New Hampshiran's brain in two days time? Or perhaps they re-read a few of the Bible's idea's about "false witnessing"?
Who knows? All we know is that we feel vindicated, both in terms of our CPR skepticism and belief that many of our political adversaries can and will say just about anything to make us look bad.
**EARLIER: Exclusive: FOF admits NH poll is bunk! [G-A-Y]
A video that we made about the matter. [G-A-Y]
**It should also be noted that all traces of the once-proud "EVERY HOUSEHOLD IN NH - that's right, 432,398 households" claim has been scrubbed from CPR's page.
**MORE: This is the story they began using after we pointed out their ridiculous claims.
Cornerstone Policy Research, which opposes the bill, released a poll Thursday whereby every household in the state -- that's over 400,000 -- was called. Of that, 50,000 households answered and went through with the automated survey and by a margin of 64-36 percent said they agreed that "marriage between one man and one woman should be the only legal definition of marriage" in the state. A company called ccAdvertising out of Virginia conducted the survey.
Mainers to get final say on 'gay marriage' [BP]
Now, this is obviously better than the other claim. But even it is flawed, considering that we have talked to many, many NH households who were not contacted in any way. It is patently absurd to ever suggest, especially in this day and age of cell phone-only households, that you have either surveyed or even merely called every last household in a specific state!
*We have contacted ccAdvertising to see if they would provide more information. Our request was denied, with a cc rep saying only the client could reveal further info.
Your thoughts
Anyone in his/her right mind knows this wild claim was a damn lie! It simply is not possible to contact every single household in 2 days. I don't believe the 50,000 number is correct either. Large pro-homophobia advocacy groups will do or say anything to promote the anti-gay agenda. The end justifies the means (even lying) in their eyes. So they lie while lecturing us on how "immoral" we are. What's wrong with this picture?
Posted by: Michael | Jun 4, 2009 9:03:37 PM
Well one thing that should raise anyone's eyebrows: There is no public data set associated with this poll. In this day and age, credible polling groups (and even many of the "pro-fam" groups) most always put out their data and methodology for all to see.
People of this generation are more savvy to polling, and the way that both sides sometimes manipulate data. So most groups *want* transparency when it comes to the hows, whys. and whats behind their claims. But neither CPR nor the polling firm used will release the data.
Posted by: G-A-Y | Jun 5, 2009 9:33:57 AM
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