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Video: A 'Meetin' Prop 8 foes' kind of scene

by Jeremy Hooper

We couldn't make it to Fresno for the Meet in the Middle event. Fortunately, prolific YouTuber Sean Chapin could:

Unfortunately, those who most need to see/hear this refuse to meet us anywhere other than the furthest reaches of the right. But fortunately: Their stranglehold on this issue is lessening everyday.

Meet In The Middle 4 Equality Rally Montage [YT]

MORE: Thousands attend Fresno rally supporting gay marriage [LA Times' "L.A. Now" blog]

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Your thoughts

I was there. It was hot and long but oh so great. I was thankful for so many who have gone before me and encouraged by so many who are willing to fight with me now, including those high school students who show in the youtube video.

And I especially enjoyed seeing Dustin Lance Black all cute and sweaty up there on stage :) He's dreamy!

Posted by: Pomo | Jun 1, 2009 12:17:20 PM

I was there, and there was a platform about 50 yrds from the stage with a bunch of cameras. Where that video all is ... who knows.

Posted by: Katie | Jun 2, 2009 6:17:00 AM

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