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Video: No son, I can't go swimming on this lovely June day -- I have gays to film.
Pete's discovered YouTube:
Okay, (a) a parade participant is not expected to support every last message that makes up the processional, and (b) one decidedly hardcore group's message about fighting back against instances of unfair police harassment doesn't mean that the pride participants, as a whole, are "cop-haters" (The word Pete uses in this video's title). Not to mention that if one were to accurately grab ALL of the message from the parade, the overwhelming messages would undoubtedly involve things like fairness and equality, messages that are thoroughly in line with the Chicago police department's prescribed mission.
But Pete doesn't care about all that. We gays, by virtue of our collective existence, are nothing more to him that child-endangering, society-weakening examples waiting to be denounced. For him, the last few weeks of June are the perfect time for vacation: But unfortunately it's the LGBT community that he's working to forcibly vacate from the planet.
Read Alvin's take: Peter LaBarbera 'enters the youtube era' [Holy Bullies and Headless Monsters]
**Note: Pete just disabled ratings and comments. So telling.
Your thoughts
Hmm...the video is now marked "private video". Curious.
Posted by: Em | Jun 30, 2009 6:41:00 PM
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