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When do we think the AP will start caring about this?

by Jeremy Hooper

We've seen the American Family Association's One News Now site take liberties with the AP wire many times before, but this latest one, covering yesterday's White House Pride event, just might take the journalistically unethical cake!

Here's the AFA's take:

Picture 14-85
Obama hopes to persuade all Americans to accept homosexuality [The fake AP via One News Now]

As you can see, they've changed all the "gays" to "homosexual." They've turned to a headline that implies some sort of force on the part of President Obama. There's a random pink sidebar containing a year-old, obviously agenda-motivated (their agenda) quote. They've include non-sequiturs like the final "special friend" quip. These elements are obviously not of the the AP, even though that ' the only writer to whom the AFA has ascribed the piece.

So now compare the above with the way another AP affiliate, North Dakota's KXMB, used the same wire service reporting:

Picture 15-79
Obama: Gay rights hindered by "worn arguments and old attitudes" [The real AP via KXMB]

It's straightforward and factual. Everything that the AFA piece is not.


**Headline note: We have contacted the AP every single time that these instances come up. And we know that others (including some in official organizational capacities) have done the same. Unfortunately, what we've received in return is mostly complacency.

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Your thoughts

Just for grins and giggles, I clicked on the "onenewsnow" link and could not believe it. I posted a question if they ever heard of the word plagarism. Doubt if I'll see a response, but if they claim to be "real" news, then they need a kindergarten-level explanation of the word!

Posted by: Gretchen | Jun 30, 2009 11:37:15 AM

Do they have a "search replace" feature for their postings?

I'm reminded of that time Tyson Gay was rendered as Tyson Homosexual on a Christian news site.

Posted by: Devon | Jun 30, 2009 9:31:17 PM

Devon: it was this site, One News Now, that was involved in the Tyson Homosexual thing. And yes, that part of it seems to be an automatic word replace. But in this particular article, they have gone far beyond just the gay/homosexual changes (which are bad enough).

There are several people that I know of who are pressuring the AP to actually put an end to this.

Posted by: G-A-Y | Jun 30, 2009 9:50:39 PM

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