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While we were away: Brody admired our power, if not our destination
CBN columnist David Brody recently wrote the following:
Let me just say one thing. You have to hand it to the gay community. They are like a bunch of energizer bunnies. They keep going and going and going until they get their way. They won't stop. They never will. You may disagree with their lifestyle but imagine if Evangelicals had their passion for an agenda? Imagine if Evangelicals stood up in this country and voted like never before? Just a thought.
Liberal Group Upset at Obama on Gay Agenda [CBN]
We respond:
But David, your 'pro-family' side thoroughly embraces batteries. You batter the hearts and psyches of LGBT people. You batter the concept of equality. You batter the definition of fairness. You batter the economies that could benefit from a marriage equality windfall. You batter lives by reducing them to 'lifestyles.' You batter any idea that your personally-held faith convictions tell you not to tolerate.
So yea, it may be true that your team is not 'a bunch of energizer bunnies.' But please don't act as if there are no charges associated with your side's political power sources. Trust us, David: We feel quite battered!
Your thoughts
So, Google Ads puts up a banner ad for All-Battery.com! Priceless!
But speaking of the dwindling energy of those tired, decrepit, older, bitter, snippy, blue-haired bible-thumpers whose goal in life is to thwart tolerance and promote their own vile brand of prudish, pseudo morality: the fact that many of the shrinking pacemaker-powered sect have long outlasted their warranty period is the true reason that evangelicals are eventually going to succumb to the tide of decency, truth and equality.
The seventy year oldsters who, due mostly to their own ignorance or lack of education, were taught intolerance are now finding it much more difficult to teach that same intolerance today. There will always be the ignorant, illiterate and mentally deficit in society, who subscribe to the mantra of the simpletons of yesteryear, but the illogical conclusions of their stupidity will continue to diminish their impact.
Of course, that's when they truly become dangerous - and the effect of the actions of those deranged among them is that they become even more of a fringe. It's painful as we suffer through it, but the future has immense potential.
Posted by: Dick Mills | Jun 28, 2009 6:58:44 PM
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