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While we were away: DeMint left bad taste in truth-loving mouths

by Jeremy Hooper

200906281449-1With hate crimes legislation threatening to make the world just a little more peaceful for LGBT people, U.S. Senator Jim DeMint (Very Far R-SC) recently became the latest conservative figure to blatantly use fear, lies, and intimidation to dupe decent people into opposing basic humanity. How? Well, DeMint penned a letter addressed to pastors and religious leaders, with the sole aim of defeating LGBT-inclusive hate crimes legislation:

SNIPPET: I am writing you today to remind you that religious principles and biblical teachings produced the values and policies that made America exceptional, prosperous, and good.

In recent decades, Congress and the courts have adopted policies that have proved destructive to faith, families, and freedom in America, but no one action has been as damaging as the "hate crimes" legislation will be. This hate crime legislation will replace "equal justice under law" with arbitrary justice based on the race, religion, or sexual orientation of criminals and their victims. More importantly, it will lead to the criminalization of biblical truth as "hate speech."
Please tell your congregation this legislation is not about "hate" (all violent crimes are hateful); it is about taking away your freedom to speak and preach biblical truth. It takes away your right to say that some things are wrong. We need millions of Americans to call and email their Senators, especially Democrat Senators who are pushing this legislation. Majority Leaders Harry Reid has promised to pass this legislation in the next few weeks (the House already has).

FULL LETTER: Sen. DeMint: The Right's Man In Washington [RWW]

Destructive to families? Hmm. Somehow, we see something other than the legislation as being truly destructive to certain families:

But you keep on fighting your "valiant" fight, Sen. DeMint. The rest of us will show love to our literal neighbors rather than to rhetorical strawmen.

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Your thoughts

Hi Jeremy,

Welcome back and guess what happened in the world and especially in SC when you were away?

Sanford gets caught creeping and we lose three favorite folks (Ed McMahon, Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson)

No more vacations for you. (sorry, bad joke there).

Seriously, the lgbt groups down here in South Carolina aren't exactly happy with DeMint's letter and have been organizing the community to lobby him and other Senators regarding hate crimes legislation:


Posted by: a. mcewen | Jun 28, 2009 5:03:56 PM

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