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While we were away: Linda Harvey unironically accused others of lying

by Jeremy Hooper

So in summary: Some people enjoy both God and gay people.

Thoroughly shocking expose there, Linda. What next, are you gonna blow the lid off some folks' amazing ability to pave their driveways with stones yet somehow restrain themselves from hurling them at others?

The Emerging Lie [YT]

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Your thoughts

I posted this comment on the YouTube link, but since it's critical, it will probably never make the cut. So... I'll past it here:

"I find it the height of irony that Linda would criticize religions leaders for cozying up to political power... what that is the ONLY thing that the religious right has done for the past 30 years! The modern evangelical church--of which Linda claims to be a part--has gotten *drunk* on political power, and now that they aren't the ones calling the shots on a federal level, they think the solution is to disparage the faith of other Christians with whom they disagree on a handful of political issues. Play God much, Linda?"

Oh, BTW... congrats on your marriage We want to see pictures!

Posted by: Christopherâ„¢ | Jun 28, 2009 6:37:32 PM

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