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While we were away: Majority leader talker plan to lead minority out of biased bunker
On June 15, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid concerned reasoned fighters for fairness when he indicated that he'd prefer an administrative approach to Don't Ask Don't Tell, since he "[hasn't] identified any sponsors" in his Democratic-controlled chamber:
Sen. Reid: No Sponsors for DADT [Advocate]
But then just one day later, Senator Reid backtracked on that sentiment, suggesting instead that many senators are working on a repeal, just not yet in an official sponsorship capacity:
"We do not have a DADT bill introduced in the Senate yet, but a number of senators are working on a bipartisan approach to get DADT repealed," Senator Reid said in a statement Tuesday. "We would welcome a legislative proposal from the White House on repeal so as to provide clear guidance on what the president would like to see and when. With presidential leadership and direction, I believe we can find the time to get repeal done in this Congress. We need all the troops we can get right now."
Reid: DADT May Happen "This Congress" [Advocate]
So a big "WTF?" pretty quickly turned into a "Oh, I guess that sounds okay." Now we just need to get all these inertia-plagued balls rolling so that we can turn the military's extraordinarily disheartening slight into one something that no longer sponsors bald-faced discrimination.
**RELATED: The anti-DADT advocates at the Servicemembers Legal Defense Network led a weekend protest at the White House:
Scenes from SLDN's protest at the White House [YT]