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While we were away: NOM reminded NYers why Stonewall commemorations are so important

by Jeremy Hooper

200906281320-1Not content with merely tarnishing the Empire State with misspelled ads and failed political rallies, the so-called National Organization For Marriage recently announced the formation of a New York-focused political action committee:

"Gay marriage is not high on the list of any voters' priorities, but again and again we've seen politicians respond to political money thrown around by Tim Gill and his friends and ignore the wishes of their own constituents," said Brian Brown, executive director of NOM. "We're forming NOM PAC New York as a vehicle for swelling the voices of the thousands of New Yorkers who have called up their legislators and told them: Don't mess with marriage in New York."
"The first half million dollars will be used in GOP primaries," noted Brown, "but we are also looking to aid Democratic candidates who want to buck the establishment on the marriage issue, and to help in general election contests."


So single-minded. So wrong. So, so unrighteous.

Should their PAC prove unsuccessful, we hear that NOM's next step in annoying New York with their personally-held discrimination will involve adding a (but not because it's having gay sex) parenthetical element to NYC's "city that never sleeps" slogan.

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Your thoughts

One thing on the NOM front that might become something of a lightning rod for them is the fact that Fred (Californians Against Hate) Karger, in his discussions with officials at the IRS, has been told that the IRS has NO record of NOM's legitimacy. Apparently the IRS official said, “we have no record of any organization by the name (National Organization for Marriage, Inc.) or address ( 20 Nassau Street, Ste. 242, Princeton, N.J 08542).

So, Magaglagher, et. al., have not been very forth coming with the IRS with regard to their (illicit??) activities. I'm hopeful that more comes out of this, and sooner might be better than later. Maybe Maggot and Brainless can share a cell in a minimum security lockup somewhere???

Posted by: Dick Mills | Jun 28, 2009 7:29:39 PM

You wrote, "For which I stand!" That makes me so happy inside.

Posted by: lazy_overlord | Jun 29, 2009 5:53:45 PM

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