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Clearly they prefer Lisa Lampanelli

by Jeremy Hooper

Good news, Don Rickles: You don't have to plan a set for your Aug. 3 show. Westboro Baptist Church has just written the jokes for you:

Picture 20-54

Anti-gay, anti-Semitic, and anti-the voice of Mr. Potato Head from Toy Story. Sheesh, is nothing sacred to you, Westboro?

**This full WBC press release can be found on their website. However, a link from us is something those insult comedians will never receive.

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Your thoughts

Following this to its logical conclusion: Jesus was a Jew. Therefore God hates Jesus.
These people are not only bigots, they're morons as well.

Posted by: Bill S | Jul 7, 2009 4:39:57 PM

I like how Westboro condemns ol' Don as a potty mouth when Fred and his sycophants say "fag" every three words.

Rickles is an insult comedian. Westboro is comedic because of how insulting they are.

Posted by: anon | Jul 7, 2009 5:52:11 PM

Not a Michael watcher. Did any of the MSM get the Westboro demonstration today?

Posted by: LOrion | Jul 7, 2009 10:31:14 PM

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