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CWA Photo: Because GaysStickTheirRiflesUpTheirButtsAnd Spin.gif would've been too much

by Jeremy Hooper

How does the militantly anti-gay group Concerned Women For America make its point about resisting gays who wish to serve openly in the armed forces? Well today, they create this image and give it this label:

"OhNoGiJoe.jpg [another high-minded "culture war" contribution from CWA]

Oh no, indeed. But if you think this is a bad misappropriation of your childhood memories, just wait until their forthcoming anti-marriage campaign finds a close-cropped Barbie with a DontSin--GoBackToKen.jpg label.

They'll get you, my pretties -- and your little toys, too!

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Your thoughts

Or, maybe Malibu Barbie is the unrequiting object of a heart-on from Caribou Barbie! I'm not certain whether Maureen Dowd came up with that Palinian symbol, but I love her for repeating it every time that she gets a chance.

Posted by: Dick Mills | Jul 7, 2009 4:34:30 PM

All I have to say, Jeremy, is these "concerned" women should be REALLY concerned if the America they want ever materializes. Talk about your horror movies! PS I hate to think what these freaks do with GI Joe!

Posted by: tom | Jul 7, 2009 4:59:02 PM

I love it when conservative activists resort to childish methods such as this and then bitch because nobody takes them seriously. There are real talking points in regards to homosexuals in the military, but the religious right doesn't care about those. They'd rather take potshots and build straw men.

Posted by: Brian | Jul 7, 2009 6:56:51 PM

hmm Concerend Women for America - I guess NONE of these SO-called "Concerned" women have Gay Children? What a disgrace they are to the women who FOUGHT for THEIR RIGHTS back in the early 1900's. How Pathetic!

Posted by: Disgusted American | Jul 8, 2009 11:53:00 AM

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