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Gee I'd love to go swimming, Kathy, but I'll be busy working to strip my gay neighbors of DP benefits

by Jeremy Hooper

Sending invites to an event that's already passed.

Printing out 100 copies of War and Peace, in white ink on white paper.

Entertaining yourself by mindlessly running multiple rolls of toilet paper through a cross-cut shredder

There are plenty of ways to waste paper. This weekend in Washington state, local anti-gays will demonstrate one Washingtonparticularly hurtful option:

The secretary of state's office said Monday that sponsors of Referendum 71, the challenge to the "everything but marriage" same-sex domestic partnership bill, have said they'll bring in their petitions Saturday afternoon.
If the referendum is submitted, [Dave Ammons, a spokesman for the secretary of state's office] said the new law will not go into effect on Sunday, as it normally would. If R-71 goes onto the ballot, the law will be on hold until the vote is held Nov. 3.

If it passes, the law would take effect after the vote is certified in December. If the law is rejected, it will not go into effect. If the referendum does not qualify for the ballot, Ammons said the law would take effect immediately.

Group to turn in anti-domestic partner law signatures [Seattle P-I]

Ah, summer. Some go on vacations, while others seek the forced vacation of any and all vestiges of LGBT equality. They are memories that their children will remember, if not cherish, for a lifetime.

**SEE ALSO: Protect Marriage Washington using paid signature gatherers [PHB]

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Your thoughts

Another reminder that every time the other side says that it's just about marriage, it isn't. Nothing even approaching equality will be acceptable to them.

Remember: Nothing less than equality is acceptable for all Americans.

Posted by: SammySeattle | Jul 21, 2009 2:40:08 PM

"Another reminder that every time the other side says that it's just about marriage, it isn't. Nothing even approaching equality will be acceptable to them. "

Funny how all those totally not bigoted people who just dont want the word marriage used never do a goddamn thing to make civil unions/domestic partnerships equal.

Posted by: penguinsaur | Jul 21, 2009 4:15:11 PM

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