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Gillibrand: DADT firebrand
This letter just hit the G-A-Y inbox:
Hillary Clinton's shadow is certainly a formidable one. But it's good to see that as Sen. Gillibrand seeks her own time in the sun, she's remembering to respect the rainbow. We applaud the junior senator.
**EARLIER: 7/27 Asking and telling may still be out of line. But as for hearing? [G-A-Y]
7/23: Don't ask about Gillibrand's bill -- signs don't tell her that there's cloture [G-A-Y]
7/13: Clinton's successor vs. Clinton era policy [G-A-Y]
Your thoughts
OK, I'm willing to give her the benefit of the doubt.
Posted by: Sandy | Jul 28, 2009 1:19:23 PM
I would think there's a lot more important thing on the table then some BS about the gay thing. Or maybe these left wingers are using the real issues for cover while they sneak in all there little socialist perks.
Posted by: Joe Richthammer | Jul 28, 2009 2:24:25 PM
"some BS about the gay thing."
You're certainly right, Joe: The right and far-right's BS about the gay thing certainly is unimportant. That's why Sen. Gillibrand is trying to do something about it.
Posted by: G-A-Y | Jul 28, 2009 2:31:50 PM
Being able to serve in the military is now a "socialist perq"? Usually it would be considered the opposite...
Posted by: therealistmom | Jul 28, 2009 3:42:02 PM
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