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ME's anti-equality fight: Opponents seem to have misplaced their 'nice' masks
We've been telling you about all of the wacky anti-gayness that's quickly defining Maine's anti-marriage equality fight in ways that should make the more mainstream social conservatives nervous.
-There's Mike Heath, who has years and years of anti-gay extremism to his name (most recently linking gays with urban decay).
-There's "Stand For Marriage Maine" guiding voice Bob Emrich, whose official YouTube page includes numerous videos that push gays to become "ex-gays."
-There was the Maine Family Policy Council board member who compared the allowance of same-sex marriage to an all-out species alteration.
-And now, there's this:
"The abrasiveness really comes from the other side"? Except, of course for the abrasiveness of demonizing LGBT lives and loves, rolling back civil rights, and suggesting that a couple is not really married unless they have a religious ceremony. Somehow we think history will be less kind to that form of "abrasiveness" than it will to the long-wronged gay person whose frustrations manifest into swear words!
But you all keep bringing forth the silly, Maine anti-gays. We're building an entire campaign around it even as we speak.
Pennsylvania Group Campaigns In Maine [ECHS]
(H/t: Americablog)
**UPDATE: Just when you thought it couldn't get wackier: The Maine Family Policy Council is trying to indict the entire LGBT community for one isolated (seemingly accidental) death!
Your thoughts
Heterosexuals getting married at City Hall isn't a marriage?
Posted by: DN | Jul 21, 2009 9:27:04 AM
I just bet the ten reason came from Edward Currant. And what is a group from Pennsylvania doing in Maine? Stay the hell in your own state.
That's what really irks me. When groups like theirs or the NOM idiots show up at hearings and rallies and you just KNOW they don't live in RI. NOM has so much as admitted that little fact.
And they didn't bring the wives because of the language? Women aren't the delicate flowers this group believe that they are. I have a feeling it's more so that homo hijinks can go on without the watchful eyes of their wives.
Posted by: Tony P | Jul 21, 2009 9:43:47 AM
But they do have some fabulous capes.
Posted by: SammySeattle | Jul 21, 2009 12:52:14 PM
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