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Praying for Senate intervention? Try Preying for 'Sin, it' (in their vision)

by Jeremy Hooper

This from Focus on the Family:

[Ashley Horne, federal issues analyst for Focus on the Family Action' said there are probably enough votes in the Senate to pass the [hate crimes] bill, and is encouraging Christians everywhere to stop and pray that the Lord would intervene.
Senate Close to Silencing Religious Speech [FOF]

This from countless mothers of murdered LGBT children:

We once prayed that 'the Lord' would intervene in something. And that's why we are horrified by your side's nonstop lies about this protective measure, and your failure to even give lip service to those who are truly threatened.

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Your thoughts

They've got to get the word out so that the more unhinged among them know that NOW is the time to step up the violence against LGBTs while they can still get away with just a slap on the hand. Not all of them cheer every time that a gay-basher earns his street cred, but the way they are fighting this, one gets the impression that to them it's an arena sport.

Posted by: Dick Mills | Jul 15, 2009 1:49:19 PM

I really, I really don't get their opposition to hate crimes legislation. Even their opposition to marriage equality, which I find deplorable, I can at least understand to a certain degree. But this? I'm completely baffled. And asking Christians to pray that the legislation fails? That's every bit as perverse as Pat Robertson praying for a natural disaster to strike Orlando, or Fred Phelps praising God for the VA Tech massacre.

Posted by: Rachel Snyder | Jul 15, 2009 8:07:58 PM

I just do not understand how a person can call themself a christian and not want a hate crimes bill? Did we learn nothing from the movie "Passion of the Christ". Talk about a hate crime, crucifing Jesus. Does the bible not teach us to love one another, to love our enemies. Jesus went out of his way to "Bless" the hated. He constantly stood with the outcast.I bet if the hate crime was introduced to protect them they would be for it. But thankfully they dont have to deal with this kind of hate, not like our Jew friends did during the holocaust!

Posted by: Gladys Tucker | Jul 15, 2009 9:40:14 PM

How exactly would the Lord "intervene?" By changing the minds of senators who were going to vote "yes" on the bill to vote "no?" I thought the God of the Bible gave people free will.

Posted by: daniel rotter | Jul 15, 2009 10:58:03 PM

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