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The shutout was funny. The 3 attendees might be more telling

by Jeremy Hooper

So you know that NOM Facebook Fail that we've been telling you about? The one where hundreds of non-attendees (currently at 476) have registered their non-attendance and pro-equality thoughts? Yea, well we were a little annoyed today to see that the page now has a whopping 3 attendees. However, once we saw what the "attendees" have to say on the page's wall, we realized that their contributions might send an even better message for our side than their non-attendance ever would've

Picture 36-7
Values Voter's Summit '09 [A NOM Facebook project]

You just can't win, NOM.

**Ed. note: There's always the chance that these "attendees" are pro-equality people who are just trying to take the piss. If so, it's interesting the type of rhetoric they adopt to act like a NOM supporter.

**Ed. note 2: It looks like the above comment was a hoax. Someone just posted this to our comments.

space gay-comment gay-G-A-Y-post gay-email gay-writer-jeremy-hooper

Your thoughts

I occasionally log onto the NOM site as an alias and send emails like below to elected officials:
My response from that cutie Brian Brown:
Your message has been sent!

Thank you for joining this crucial effort to preserve marriage in the Garden State.

It is your voice, along with hundreds of your fellow citizens, which will ultimately will persuade our legislators to stand up for marriage in the face of a highly organized campaign to bring same-sex marriage to New Jersey.

Please ask your friends and neighbors to join this effort. Together we can make a difference.

Your message was sent to:

Assemblymember Joseph J. Roberts
Senator Richard J. Codey

I am writing to urge you to publicly support same sex marriage-- the union of 2 consenting adults that would like to receive the same benefits of marriage, that has flourished for thousands of years, across all cultural, ethnic, and religious lines.

I firmly disbelieve that a marriage bonds mothers and especially fathers to their children, giving children the greatest possible opportunity to be healthy, happy, educated, productive members of our society's next generation. Like Maggie Gallagher...

Please help us to protect the time-honored definition of marriage, I URGE you to:

(a) SUPPORT any bills which would create same-sex "marriage".

(b) Publicly endorse and vote to allow the state legislature to decide on Same Sex marriage

I hope that you'll respond quickly to affirm your support for same sex marriage. If it weren't for same sex marriage, Maggie Gallagher might actually have to get a real job!

albert ross
Your message has been sent!

Thank you for joining this crucial effort to preserve marriage in the Garden State.

It is your voice, along with hundreds of your fellow citizens, which will ultimately will persuade our legislators to stand up for marriage in the face of a highly organized campaign to bring same-sex marriage to New Jersey.

Please ask your friends and neighbors to join this effort. Together we can make a difference.

Your message was sent to:

Assemblymember Joseph J. Roberts
Senator Richard J. Codey

I am writing to urge you to publicly support same sex marriage-- the union of a 2 consenting adults that would like to receive the same benefits of marriage, that has flourished for thousands of years, across all cultural, ethnic, and religious lines.

I firmly disbelieve that a marriage bonds mothers and especially fathers to their children, giving children the greatest possible opportunity to be healthy, happy, educated, productive members of our society's next generation. Like Maggie Gallagher...

Please help us to protect the time-honored definition of marriage, I URGE you to:

(a) SUPPORT any bills which would create same-sex "marriage".

(b) Publicly endorse and vote to allow the state legislature to decide on Same Sex marriage

I hope that you'll respond quickly to affirm your support for same sex marriage. If it weren't for same sex marriage, Maggie Gallagher might actually have to get a real job!

albert ross
Manhattan, NY 10022-7649

Just a simple edit actually.

Posted by: John Ozed | Jul 22, 2009 12:15:43 PM

I do the same think John Ozed does, use NOM's resources to urge legislators to support marriage equality.

My way of being subversive.

Posted by: Tony P | Jul 22, 2009 1:26:35 PM


Posted by: Anonymous Coward | Jul 22, 2009 2:23:18 PM


Posted by: Ben | Jul 22, 2009 2:32:49 PM

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